The HSE has no intention of reopening beds at the Hospital of the
Assumption in Thurles.
Thats the message from a meeting with Director of Services Bernard
Gloster, with 2 North Tipp representatives today.
At a meeting in Thurles 2 weeks ago, North Tipp Deputy Noel Coonan,
announced that 10 beds would be reopened by chrsitmas, with a further
10 opened in the New Year.
But Michael Lowry and Seamus Hanafin say that is not the case.
Michael Lowry says money has been promised by the HSE, but
beds in Thurles will not be reopened.
He says the HSE has promised a one off payment of 275 thousand euro, but this will be spent on providing
respite beds at private nursing homes, and not on opening beds at the Thurles facility.
While North Tipp Councillor Seamus Hanafin says that the 2 North Tipp
Government Deputies have a lot to answer for, after making the announcements
of bed restoration at a public meeting in Thurles just 2 weeks ago.
He says that the Hospital of the Assumption action will be meeting soon to plan their next move,
He said its vital that beds are restored, particularly as Winter approaches.