Only two counties have seen a net increase in jobs in companies
supported by either the IDA or Enterprise Ireland since 2008.
Although both agencies, particularly the IDA, regularly hit the headlines
with large-scale job announcements, the figures show there has been a
general trend of job losses in the two sectors over the past five years.
Cork and Galway are the only counties to record an overall increase in
employment at firms supported by the State bodies since 2008,
despite an improved performance in the last two years.
All other counties have seen the number of people working in IDA/EI-backed
firms decline over the period, with Leitrim and Laois seeing combined
job numbers drop by over 30%.
Since 2008, the number of people employed in such companies has
fallen by over 20% in Tipperary, Limerick, Roscommon, Offaly, and Waterford.