Race 3 in the Outfield Sports 3 Counties Challenge took place last night when a record entry if 154 Runners took to the starting line in the Rathgormack 5 Roadrace. Conditions in the Co. Waterford Village were perfect for Road running, and West Waterford's Sandis Barlatis made the most of them in winning the Mens Race in a great time of 25.46. Second place went to Niall Sheil of St Killians AC, while one of the South East's Top Runners in the Nineties made a fantastic return to competitive action when James Sullivan of Waterford AC finished Third.
In the Ladies RAce, the remarkable Angela McCann of Clonmel AC, fresh from Winning a hat-trick of Marathons since May ,romped home to win in 29:48. Aine Roche of Clonmel was second and Diane Behan of Waterford AC finished Third.
Overall a very successful night for organising club Carrick on Suir AC. All eyes are now on the Morris Oil Piltown 10K on Friday 3rd August, which will be the final race in the series.