Local golf clubs are making tentative first steps in welcoming non-members to their courses in the coming weeks.
Members have been able to tee it up since May 18th, while obeying strict guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Treasurer of Nenagh Golf Club, John Sheridan, says that demand for tee times from members has been very strong since the reopening.
But he says they’ll be welcoming their first societies towards the end of this month:
“I don’t expect we’re probably going to have the same levels of societies. Hopefully we will have a good green fee income. Like any club, I wouldn’t say we depend on green fees and that but we certainly like to see a good income line under that heading when it comes to the end of the year.
“It all helps to keep the club in the shape we want it to be in.”
John has also been praising the conduct of members so far and says they’ve seen increased membership since the return to play:
“We’ve been extremely fortunate in the sense that we’ve had a big uptake in members, particularly young members, which is fantastic to see. A lot of people who would have been expecting to be playing other sports came and joined and have had the opportunity to enjoy golf, perhaps at a time of the year when they mightn’t have had the opportunity at all.
“So, from our point of view, that’s fantastic. And just to mention, we’d love to see some more young girls and young women joining because that’s a particular age gap that we have and hopefully we can fill that.”