
Extra Time Monday 26 November 2018



Tonight we talk new football rues with Brian Lacey and reflect on a stellar intercounty career with George Hannigan. Under 21 hurling in the North and Mid along with rugby and soccer with Jamie make up a busy show this week. We also reveal our Emerging Star Award winner for 2018. We hope you like….


Kelly backs opposition to Cloughjordan mast

An Bord Pleanála's decision to grant planning permission for a telecommunications structure beside...

Browne: IPAS costs are unsustainable

The governments International Protection Accommodation Services is broken according to a Tipperary County...

4.6% of homes in Tipp lie vacant

The residential vacancy rate in Tipperary at the end of last year was...

Over 600 patients on hospital trolleys today

96 patients are waiting for beds in the hospitals serving Tipperary today. There are...

Tipp Today Podcast 18/02/25

On this morning’s show... The IPA system is broken, according to Cllr Liam Browne... Should...

Tipp Today – Dear Phil- 18/02/25

It’s time now for our agony aunt Phil to answer your questions and...

Tipp Today- Interiors Slot -18/02/25

Our Interior Designer Karen Prendergast joined us in studio to discuss trends in...