The President of the ASTI says investment is needed if schools are going to be able to offer practical elements for science subjects at Leaving Cert level.
It follows an unpublished report from the State Examinations Commission, which found that despite a successful trial, practicals would not be made available any time soon.
The body has also stated a shortage in science teachers was part of the reason for not rolling it out.
You’ll have heard Dr Maeve Liston – who’s a Senior Lecturer in Sceience Education at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick and one of the organisers of Tipperary Science Week – speaking to us before about the great work she – and many like her – are doing promoting STEM (that’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to younger kids.
Well, judging by the lack of supports given to secondary level students, their good work is surely being undermined and many of those with an interest in STEM unable to follow it through – Dr Liston spoke to Tipp Today earlier: