Ursuline Convent, Thurles and formerly of Brecon, Wales and Ballinglana, Lattin, Co Tipperary.
Peacefully under the wonderful care of the Staff in Ardeen Nursing Home, Thurles.
Predeceased by her brother Seamus, sisters Sr Phena, Sr Mairead and Bernie.
Deeply regretted by her sister Sr Mary (Ursuline, Cork), sister-in-law Mary (Hourigan), nephews James and Shane, their wives Ann and Margaret, grandnieces, grandnephews, Ursuline Community and Congregation.
Reposing in the New Ursuline Convent, Oratory, Thurles on Sunday June 19th, from 4 pm to 5.30pm with evening Prayer at 5.30pm.
Funeral Mass on Monday June 20th at 12 noon in the Boarding School Chapel, Cathedral Street. Thurles.
Followed by burial in the Convent cemetery.
Entrance to New Convent via Templemore Road or Ulster Bank car park.