Garrycummer, Kilcommon, Thurles, Co. Tipperary and late of Gurtnakistin, Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick.
December 5th 2023, (peacefully) at University Hospital, Clonmel, in her 100th year.
Predeceased by her husband John (Jack), sisters Mary Catherine, Nancy, Kitty, Biddy and brother’s William and Jim. Sadly missed by her loving sons John, Seamus and Thomas, grandchildren Cormac, Orla, Kate, Emer and Cathal, sister Nora (Dwyer), daughter in law Deirdre and Eithne, sister in law Peggy, nephews, nieces, nephews in law, nieces in law, cousins, neighbours and friends.
Reposing Thursday evening at McCormack’s Funeral Home, Kilcommon from 5.30pm to 7.30.
Removal Friday morning to St. Patrick’s Church, Kilcommon arriving for 11 o’clock Funeral Mass, followed by burial afterwards to Upperchurch Cemetery.
“May her gentle soul Rest in Peace”