The visiting restrictions put in place at TUH earlier in the month have been extended to July 18th.
The changes were made due to an increase in Covid-19 outbreaks and are being reviewed by the hospital on a weekly basis
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Areas such as Medical 1, Surgical B and Gynae Wards are still off limits for visitors
Patients are still only permitted to have 1 visitor a day and they must complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment form before entering.
Visitors must wear a surgical facemask while in the hospital which covers the mouth and nose at all times.
The following exceptions will be facilitated:
- End Of Life Non COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
- End Of Life COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct PPE/hand hygiene/IPC advice etc.
- Critically ill patient – Two nominated relatives only utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
- One parent will be allowed visit children in the Paediatric Unit at any one time.
- Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit – no changes to current visiting arrangement in the maternity services.