The Sisters of Charity are being urged to clarify whether certain medical procedures will be permitted at the new National Maternity Hospital.
AIMS Ireland says the facility must be free from religious ethos and bias – and the project shouldn’t go ahead until the ownership issue is resolved.
Despite assurances from the boards of Holles Street and the St Vincent’s Hospital Group that the National Maternity Hospital will be fully independent from religious interference..
The Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services says it needs clarity on whether abortions, IVF and sterilisations would be permitted by the Sisters of Charity.
Chairperson of AIMS Ireland Krysia Lynch says they’ve had a huge response from their members and the group won’t be silenced.
Sinn Fein Councillor and Holles Street Board member Michael Mac Donncha says the Health Minister needs to intervene.
These latest concerns follow the resignations of Professor Chris Fitzpatrick and Dr Peter Boylan from the board of the new Maternity Hospital.