Brittas Windfarm Ltd has lodged an application with An Bord Pleanala last month for ten turbines with an overall height of 180 metres.
Another site at Ballygammane is earmarked for a battery farm to store electricity.
The Brittas Wind Farm and Ballygammane Battery Farm Action Group has been established in opposition to the project.
Spokesperson Peter Creedon told Tipp Today the turbines would be a major eyesore.
“To put them in context if you’re sitting in Semple Stadium in the Old Stand or standing in the Killinan End you will see huge turbines and if it’s a night time match you will see ten massive flashing lights in the sky.
“So obviously they’re going to have a massive impact on the people in those townlands – if you’re living in many parts of Thurles you will see them quite distinctly in the skyline.”
Peter Creedon says they are worried about both noise and flicker from the turbines.
He also raised concerns about the impact the development would have on property values.