Calls are being made for a survey to be carried out on the Military Barracks in Nenagh to determine its condition.
The discussion about the historic building was triggered by Councillor Séamie Morris, who demanded that the Department of Defence conduct a survey to establish its viability for future uses.
It was revealed at this month’s meeting that a title search shows the site is registered to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.
Cllr. Morris told Tipp FM what he would like to see the site used for.
“It’s a key strategic site in the centre of the town. For instance, if the nearby CBS school look to expand or look for somewhere for people to park cars while they’re waiting for the children, it could be used for that. Myself personally, I feel it would be a key site for a retirement home for elderly people because it’s in the centre of the town and it’s a fairly massive site.”
Local councillors also mulled over what uses it could have in the future.
Councillor Michael O’Meara suggested that it should be returned to its former glory under council ownership and fears of dereliction for the historical site were felt across the council chambers.
However, Councillor Séamie Morris contended that nothing should happen without a survey from the department first.
“At least now we have clarity as to who owns what in the site, and we can move forward. But the most important thing that has to be done before any ministry tries to hand it over to a town council or someone private they have to do a survey on the barracks itself to see if the barracks is going to be either knocked down or repaired. I think it’s up to that ministry to take that expense on board.”