Adi Roche expresses concerns on 36th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

Scientists are warning of a second ‘invisible war’ in Ukraine, as radiation levels are reported to have risen around Chernobyl.

Today marks the 36th anniversary of the nuclear disaster.

The charity, Chernobyl Children International, says military activity inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone at the start of the Russian invasion has caused radiation levels to rise.

Russian troops have since left the area, however, shelling resulted in forest fires in the contaminated region.

Voluntary CEO of Chernobyl Children International, Clonmel’s Adi Roche, says the fighting in the exclusion zone has caused untold damage.

“Troop movement en-route trying to take Kyiv came via the world’s most toxic radioactive and dangerous environment on this planet.

“This cavalier act of driving thousands of troops and war paraphernalia through this area known as the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone signified to the world that that the nature of modern warfare has literally changed forever.”