Revised visiting at TUH

Tipperary University Hospital in Clonmel. Photo © Tipp FM / Pat Murphy.

Visiting arrangements have been updated at Tipperary University Hospital.

Visiting to the Clonmel hospital is now permitted between 2pm-4pm and 6.30pm-8.30pm.

All adult inpatients will be allowed 1 named nominated support person and 1 additional visitor per day.

The following is the updated Visiting arrangement for Tipperary University Hospital:

Visiting to TippUH is permitted between 2pm – 4pm and 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
In the event of an outbreak, visiting may be suspended to the Hospital or Affected Ward. This decision will be taken by the Outbreak Control Team

Visiting arrangements are as follows:

o End Of Life Non COVID-19 Patient – Two relatives utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask at a time.

o Visitors to COVID-19 positive patients – No visitors except in exceptional circumstances as arranged by the Clinical Nurse Manager

o End Of Life COVID-19 Patient – Two relatives utilising correct PPE/hand hygiene/IPC advice etc. at a time.

o Critically ill patient – Two relatives only utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask at a time.

o There should not be a number of visitors waiting within the hospital to see an end of life/critically ill patient. Two visitors may visit the patient and then leave the hospital before the next 2 visitors arrive at the hospital

o One parent will be allowed visit children in the Paediatric Unit at any one time.

o All adult inpatients will be allowed 1 named nominated support person and 1 additional visitor per day.

Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit – no changes to current visiting arrangement in the maternity services.

Visiting in the special care baby unit is facilitated for the mother and nominated partner.
Nominated support partners can attend the labour ward with the woman by the front door or emergency department (ED). The partner must wear a face mask at all times. Full PPE will be provided for unvaccinated partners
As per national guidelines, the nominated support partner can be present from 8am to 9pm including attendance in the ward/first stage room and labour ward for all assessments.
In the event of a woman labouring into the evening and overnight, the nominated support partner can be present if desired.
Nominated support partners are facilitated at the booking scan, anomaly scan, or any other visit that may involve communication of particular emotional significance.
Nominated support partners are welcome to attend the booking appointment but due to space restrictions are requested limit the visit following the scan.
Visits may be subject to change due to increased service demand.


· Visits should be short – approximately 1 hour but should be appropriate to the needs of the patient

· Visitors must wear a surgical face mask while in the hospital. If wearing a mask is not practical, they should wear a visor that extends from above the eyes to below the chin and from ear to ear

· All visitors will need to complete a COVID-19 visitor questionnaire

Please be advised that the Outbreak Committee and Infection Prevention and Control Team are monitoring the situation and visiting may be suspending during an outbreak to minimize transmission of infection.