The HSE is holding a number of Flu and COVID-19 vaccination clinics for healthcare workers in Tipperary this week.
Walk-in appointments are also available for the general public who are in at risk groups.
The flu vaccine can be given free of charge to the over 60s, those who are pregnant, anyone with a health condition that puts them at higher risk of Flu.
Carers also qualify for the vaccines.
The Covid vaccine is available for the over 60s, anyone over six months with a weak immune system and those who are pregnant.
Clinics are being held Primary Care Centre, Rosanna Rd. in Tipp Town today at Our Lady’s Hospital in Cashel on Wednesday, the HSE Primary Centre in Cahir on Thursday and the Vaccination Centre on the grounds of St. Luke’s Hospital, Clonmel.
All of the clinics will run from 10am to 3pm.
You can get a COVID-19 booster and Flu vaccine at the same time.
The Flu vaccine is also available from GPs and pharmacies. For those eligible, the COVID-19 booster vaccination is available from GPs and pharmacies.