The Coalition to repeal the Eighth Amendment cites repeated polls, which show the public wants wider access to abortion.
Mandy la Combre from the Mandate trade union on the need for a referendum on repealing the eighth amendment.
While abortion is rarely out of the headlines, it hasn’t been on the ballot paper for almost 33 years.
Now the coalition to repeal the 8th amendment, under which the right to life of a mother and unborn baby are equal, want it out of the Constitution.
Director of the National Women’s Council, Orla O’Connor says it’s a red line issue for voters.
The coalition say they’re disappointed by a lack of political will so far, despite repeated polls showing public support for abortion in the case of rape, incest and fatal foetal abnormalities.
Spokewoman Ailbhe Smyth blames politicians
And chair of Midwives for Choice, Philomena Canning says the 8th amendment puts women’s health at risk.