Residents in Donegal affected by flooding are being reassured that Red Cross funding grants will be made available to them.
Up to 500 homes have been damaged in devastating flooding in the northwest.
Following an inter-departmental meeting, Donegal County Council has been told that whatever funding is required will be provided by Government.
Around 250 homes have been damaged after Tuesday night’s flooding, but as many as twice that may have been damaged in the once in a century event.
This morning representatives from the Departments of Transport, Social Protection, Environment and the OPW met to discuss the response.
Junior Minister with responsibility for flooding Kevin Boxer Moran says affected residents will get grants to help with the cost of the damage;
It’s estimated that the cleanup will cost hundreds of millions of euro, and the Government says Donegal Co Co will not be left wanting.
Kevin Boxer Moran is pleading with Insurance companies to continue to provide cover for those affected;