Bernard “Pinky” O’Neill passed away on Sunday.
However Pinky was far more than a GAA man – he was also involved with Clonmel Athletic Club and Clonmel Town FC, Clonmel Commercials and St Mary’s.
Sean O’Shea is secretary of Carrick Swans – he was among those to recall fond memories of Bernard O’Neill on this week’s Extra Time.
“He was such a character – he was so loyal, so humble, kind, dignified but absolutely humorous. You would have some craic in his company.
“I like to think that we loaned him to all these different clubs and that, you know, but his love of Clonmel Athletic Club is well documented and he was one of their big lights up there as well. He covered a vast chasm of sport.”
Bernard “Pinky” O’Neill will be laid to rest in St Mary’s Cemetery Carrick on Suir after 10.30 Requiem Mass in St Nicholas Church tomorrow morning.