Efforts are continuing to locate a car stolen from a dealership near Templemore.
The 171 Volkswagen Passat was taken from Owen Ryan Motors while on a test drive earlier this week.
A man in his mid-20s called to the car sales yard just a few kilometres from Templemore and expressed an interest in a white Volkswagen Passat.
Sales staff at the garage were busy at the time and allowed the man to take the car for a test drive unaccompanied.
He left the vehicle he arrived in – an 18 registration Astra – and his mobile phone number at the dealership located at Loughmore Cross on the Thurles road out of Templemore.
When staff rang him around 15 minutes later he told them he had taken a wrong turn but was on his way back. They called him again when he failed to return but there was no answer.
It later transpired the Opel the suspect arrived in had been stolen in Limerick.
The incident happened early Wednesday afternoon – the Volkswagen Passat – registration number 171 T 1545 hasn’t been recovered.
Any information can be given to Templemore Gardaí on 0504 31011.