A Covid 19 outbreak at the hospital has led to the imposition of visiting restrictions at TUH in Clonmel.
On the advice of the Hospital Outbreak Control Team, Tipperary University Hospital Management has put the changes in place with immediate effect until August 14th.
Visitors will not be permitted to Medical 3 Ward while only 1 visitor per patient per day is now advised.
All visitors need to complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment form at the front door prior to visiting.
Visitors must wear a surgical facemask while in the hospital which covers the mouth and nose at all times.
The following exceptions will be facilitated
· End Of Life Non COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
· End Of Life COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct PPE/hand hygiene/IPC advice etc.
· Critically ill patient – Two nominated relatives only utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
· One parent will be allowed visit children in the Paediatric Unit at any one time.
· Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit – no changes to current visiting arrangement in the maternity services.
Visiting Arrangements will be reviewed on a weekly basis.