All visiting at Tipperary University Hospital in Clonmel has been suspended until the end of the month (January 31).
Hospital management have made the decision due to the rate of Covid-19 in the community.
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The full list of exceptions to the above rule are:
- End Of Life Non COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
- End Of Life COVID-19 Patient – Two nominated relatives utilising correct PPE/hand hygiene/IPC advice etc.
- Critically ill patient – Two nominated relatives only utilising correct hand hygiene and wearing of a facemask.
- One parent will be allowed visit children in the Paediatric Unit at any one time.
- Maternity Department and Special Care Baby Unit – no changes to current visiting arrangement in the maternity services.
Similar restrictions were also introduced at University Hospital Limerick yesterday. Read here.