Concerns over the amount of funding offered to do up vacant homes have been raised in North Tipp.
Some councillors in the Nenagh District described the €30,000 offered by the Government as an ‘insult’.
The conversation around funding came up in relation to issues with derelict and vacant homes and buildings in the area at a recent municipal district meeting.
The executive responded by saying they would work to raise awareness through campaigns of the available funding for building owners who may be interested in bringing these premises back into use.
However, Michael O’Meara said that the allocation of €30,000 is an insult and not enough to encourage a high take up.
He said more money would have to be put into most buildings and that would stop people starting the project in the first place.
There was some disagreement with other councillors insisting that more awareness was all that was required.
They agreed to share their concerns with the Housing SPC and were assured that Tony O’Neill the vacant housing officer was working with the committee already on this matter.