A North Tipp school has qualified for the World Finals of Vex Robotics in Texas.
The sixth-class students at Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan in Nenagh designed and financed their own vex robots for the VEX.IQ. competition.
Following success at the Regional competition in Limerick and the National finals in Cork, the students will now participate in the Vex World Championship in Dallas this May.
They rallied a team of drivers, engineers, coders, builders, and programmers, as well as STEM and finance teams, to make this project come to life.
They are only school in the Mid-West region to make the final in Dallas this coming May and their teacher, Orla, is urging the people of Tipperary to help the class get there.
“We’re dreaming big and we really hope that we can make this a reality for this group of exceptionally talented kids. It would be such an experience to bring them to Dallas and to partake in the World Championships. There is already schools from Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, America, so, we would love to have an Irish school there. We’re delighted there’s no upper limit, so, it’s all about what can we achieve.”
To help the Nenagh students reach Dallas this May, donations can be made here