Tipperary dance schools are able to resume classes after clarification on Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions.
Local teachers and students had protested outside the Scouts Hall in Nenagh on Thursday against inconsistencies in the way they were being treated.
However, Minister Catherine Martin has announced that classes can proceed in ‘pods of one’, so long as everybody is spaced two metres apart.
Owner of Nenagh Musical Theatre Academy, Stephanie Brown resumed classes last night, and she’s confident in their Covid-19 protection measures:
“We are so confideNt that if there ever was a case to come in our doors that the others in the class wouldn’t be able to pick it up because they are so spread out from each other.
“They never come into contact with each other and they’re even more than two metres apart in the size of our hall.
“So, we’d be extremely confident that it wouldn’t spread at all because there is no contact.”