Childcare costs in Tipperary are the 9th highest in the country.
A survey of the average cost of full time childcare for a 24 month old toddler, found parents in Dublin are paying the most at €1,276.
In Tipperary the figure is €744 per month – in 2018 the average was €664 per month while in 2013 parents paid €650 per month for childcare.
Longford has the lowest rates at €613 per month.
Managing Director of Investwise David Quinn has worked out how much a parent would have to earn to cover these costs.
“For one child in Dublin that was about €15,000 a year. I was assuming that the first spouse was earning €45,000 just to pick a number but €15,000 allowing for tax credits and certain benefits would cover the cost of one child in a Dublin creche.
“That comes down to about €10,000 for someone in Longford which was the cheapest for creche fees in your study.”