Two Tipperary athletes are heading to the World Transplant Games.
They form part of the largest ever Irish team to travel abroad.
Ranging in age from 16 to 81, the team of 29 men and 10 women who have all undergone organ transplants will compete against 2000 participants from over 60 countries in World Transplant Games 2019 in Britan next month (17-24 August).
Two Tipperary athletes are among the contingent – Orla Hogan from Nenagh who received a kidney from her brother in 2008 will compete in the 40-49 age category in 50m freestyle and breaststroke, the 5km mini marathon and 3km racewalk and 10 pin singles bowling.
While, Sheila Gregan also from Nenagh who recieved a kidney in 2006 will compete in the 50-59 year age category in 50m and 100mBreaststroke, 50m Freestyle, the 5k Mini-Marathon and Tennis Doubles.
Both athletes are no stranger to the games having picked up numerous medals between them at the various European and World compeitions over recent years