Rents in Tipperary have fallen by 1% in the last year.
Meanwhile the national average rent has had its lowest growth rate since 2012.
The Residential Tenancies Board Index shows average rent across the country is over €1,250 per month.
In the Premier County it stood at €708 in the third quarter – compared with €715 for the same period in 2019.
Only Sligo and Clare recorded greater decreases in the 12 months.
Clonmel had the highest rents in Tipperary at just under €785 followed by Carrick on Suir at €708, Nenagh at €697, Cashel & Tipp Town at €678, Thurles at €650 and €642 in Cahir.
This is the first time that standardised average rents in Limerick have exceeded €1,000 per month while the fastest growing area for cost was seen in County Waterford and the county with the largest year-on-year decline was Sligo.
Stillorgan in Co. Dublin had the highest rent at €2,319 per month and Carndonagh in County Donegal had the lowest in the country at €498 per month.