A North Tipperary councillor says the right to maternity leave for local politicians will promote greater equality.
The new plans were brought to Cabinet yesterday and will provide local councillors with maternity leave for the first time as well as the ability to co-opt a replacement onto the council if they need to take leave.
It will also give the option to female councillors to keep working by being given administrative support.
Newport Labour councillor Fiona Bonfield feels the lack of legislation in this area up to now has been a barrier to female participation in politics.
“Under the current legislation… they are not entitled to the normal maternity/paternity leave that you would have as an employee.”
“It has been a major barrier in retaining current female councillors and also attracting greater participation from new councillors into the role.”
Councillor Bonfield also says that while it is a positive step there is still more that needs to be done to create diversity in politics.
“This is the start, I do think there are other aspects that we could grow again and look into in more detail and this is just the first step of it… legislation had to change to make it easier.”