It’s being reported the Green Party has dropped its demand for a total ban on all live exports to countries outside the EU as part of the government formation talks.
The party had described a ban on live exports to third countries as a “red line” issue for entering government with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil.
However, the Irish Farmers Journal’s reporting Green Party negotiators have since softened their position on the issue.
It’s been reported the rank and file green party members are concerned negotiators are compromising on core issues.
Toomevara’s Tim Cullinan – President of the Irish Farmers Association – says our standards are as high as any in the world.
“I don’t know what option have we – we produce food here in Ireland or in Europe or we import it from countries that have far lower standards than we have.”
“So look, I think the Green Party has to understand that the practice and the way we farm here in Ireland is as good and better than any other country in the world.”