There is a need to increase capacity at hospitals serving Tipperary according to the Taoiseach.
Michael Martin was commenting on the long term solutions to issues within the health service in the county, including regular overcrowding at both TUH and UHL, when he visited Thurles on Friday.
He says there is an overhang from Covid which is impacting on the availability of beds due to people having to isolate.
The Taoiseach says Tipperary is performing well in relation to home care packages, and community healthcare will go a long way to ensuring fewer people end up in the county’s emergency departments.
“We must stop separating out the cut from the Primary Care system and the ECC, they are all integrated the more we can do outside we reduce pressures on hospitals, recruitment is continuing to be an issue we’ve recruited thousands of people but it continues to be an issue within health services globally and in Europe and it’s very, very competitive and we are recruiting on all fronts.”