It’s claimed South Tipp General Hospital is paying the price for not getting University Hospital status in the past.
Under the Government’s plans for the restructuring of the HSE Tipperary is split in two.
North Tipp will stay linked with Limerick and Clare.
However South Tipperary will form part of a much larger area taking in Waterford, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow and South Dublin.
Cahir based Councillor Andy Moloney feels linking South Tipp General Hospital in Clonmel with St Vincent’s in Dublin makes no sense.
In 2016 he got the support of Tipperary County Councillors calling on the HSE to designate STGH as a University Hospital.
Councillor Moloney says having University Hospital status would safeguard the Clonmel health facility from any downgrading in the future.
He says the restructuring will have a long term impact on South Tipp General Hospital.