Renters in new tenancies registered with the Residential Tenancies Board in Tipperary paid over 27% more than those in existing tenancies.
The figures are revealed in new research from the ESRI which shows the difference in the Premier County is significantly higher than the national figure of 17%
Tipperary renters in a new tenancy recorded with the RTB in the third quarter of last year paid an average of €1,004 compared with €788 for those in existing tenancies.
Overall, average rents for new tenancies grew by 11 percent year-on-year, while it was 5.2 percent for existing tenancies.
One of the country’s leading housing charities says it’s becoming increasingly frustrating for tenants looking for property to rent.
CEO of Threshold, John-Mark McCafferty, says Rent Pressure Zones have had a moderate effect.
“The Rent Pressure Zones have had the impact of moderating rent increases – but we see the areas outside of Rent Pressure Zones continue to see some substantial increases.”