It appears that the Dean Maxwell Home in Roscrea has gotten a stay of execution.
There were mounting fears that long term care at the facility would end on January 1st when new HIQA rules come into force.
Minister for Older People Mary Butler had visited the building in September when the concerns of locals were outlined to her.
Deputy Jackie Cahill says he has been informed by Minister Butler that it will be business as usual for 2022 at least.
“That decision has been reversed today and for the immediate future Dean Maxwell is going to be allowed to take in admissions.
“So that’s welcome news but still we have to work with the Minister to make sure that the investment that’s needed for the future of Dean Maxwell is secured.
“So myself and Councillor (Michael) Smith will be working in the New Year to ensure the future of Dean Maxwell but it is welcome that admissions are going to be allowed from January 1st.”