Local Tipperary councillor has said voluntary housing could house up to 50 people in the Templemore area.
The newly elected Leas-Cathaoirleach, Noel Coonan, has said the scheme has been approved for the amount of 7.1million by the Minister and department.
People must meet the criteria laid down by the council and qualify for social housing at a county council level.
There are plans to put in 24 units in to the Shortts site in Templemore and enhance the entrance to the townpark.
He told Tipp Today that it’s an ideal location to put people back into the heart of the town:
“It’ll provide 24 units on the old Shortts site and it’ll also enhance the entrance the jewel and the crown in Templemore which is the Town Park.
“It’s an ideal site, this location, it’s in the centre of town, putting people back living in the centre of the town.
“Something like up to 50 people can be accommodated there.
“There hasn’t been houses built in Templemore for a long time and I don’t think 24 is to be laughed at.”