A busy service station on the outskirts of Clonmel is seeking to expand and redevelop its facilities.
Clonmel Oil has lodged a planning application for works at their site on the Waterford Road.
The plans before Tipperary County Council involve combining the existing Circle K forecourt with the adjacent Clonmel Oil depot.
This crossover arrangement would provide dedicated HGV parking as well as providing access for the service station and oil depot.
A parking area for cars and light commercial vehicles using the service station is also included in the plans.
The existing forecourt building would be extended to include a new deli/café seating area.
The existing canopy and pump islands would be demolished and replaced with four new fuel pump islands and a canopy.
The N24 at Ferrybank on the Waterford Road in Clonmel recently had bollards installed which prevents vehicles from parking on the road.
A decision on the planning application from Clonmel Oil is due from Tipperary County Council by mid-August.