An Bord Pleanála has ruled against plans for a housing development in South Tipperary.
The proposals for 74 houses on the outskirts of Clonmel were granted planning permission by Tipperary County Council last August.
Fethard-based Melclon Ltd lodged the planning application for Inislounaght and Ballingarrane, Clonmel in November of 2018.
The proposed development was made up of a variety of detached, semi-detached and terraced houses on the 3.1 hectare site.
Nearly 30 third-party submissions were made to the local authority at the time.
One of these subsequently appealed the granting of permission to An Bord Pleanála suggesting that there would be better integration of Part V housing by dispersing it through the development and also called for the lowering of housing density on the site.
While the state planning appeal boards decided to refuse permission one of the reasons was because of the low density of the houses planned for the site.