A Tipperary TD has launched a scathing attack on the government over spiralling fuel prices.
Just a day after the Taoiseach warned of further fuel price hikes, petrol has gone above the €2 a litre mark.
It follows the decision by EU leaders to cut the amount of Russian oil coming into the bloc by 90 per cent.
Forecourts across the country are now charging up to €2.08 a litre for petrol, however diesel prices which breached the €2 a litre mark last month, have moderated slightly.
Leader of the Rural Independent TDs group Mattie McGrath raised the issue in the Dáil with the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath.
“How can your government sit by and allow 65% of tax on every litre of fuel and diesel? This is skyrocketing and is driving inflation mad in the country.
“You’re talking about the €2 billion you spent – its wiped away on a daily basis. People can’t afford the home heat, the fuel for the car. They have to choose between heat, food or indeed petrol or diesel.
“Unless you grasp the nettle and do something here facing into late summer and Autumn we’re going to have terrible, terrible problems. We have it already.”