The public consultation on the Cashel Public Realm and Signage Strategy will close tomorrow (January 5th).
Local Fine Gael Councillor Declan Burgess is urging people to avail of the final opportunity to have their say in the future of the town.
He told Tipp FM that the signage around the town should do more to encourage both locals and visitors to engage with what Cashel has to offer.
“We’re also looking I suppose at how do we make the plaza area more user friendly, right now there’s only one disabled pram access at the bottom towards the Cashel palace.
“It’s not an accessible venue as such with only one point of access, we need to make that more user friendly and we need to protect it there.
“I suppose we’re also looking at interactive signage and how we can promote Cashel and all the heritage it has to offer.”
Councillor Burgess that this project needs to reflect the ambitions for the town.
“We need to create a world class destination that’s interactive with its visitors and interactive with its locals and I think the whole town centre revitalisation is a very good project.”
The plans can be viewed at Cashel Library or online here