A group campaigning to retain parking spaces on Carrick on Suir’s main street say they will take their opposition to Europe if necessary.
A number of spaces are set to be removed from the thoroughfare as part of local authority regeneration plans for the town.
The Main Street Business Initiative say 27 of the 54 parking spots will be lost.
Group member Bobby Fitzgerald told Tipp Today earlier that local businesses are extremely concerned about the impact it will have.
“There’s small shopkeepers, hairdressers, beauticians, small retailers – they’re very worried, very concerned. They’ve loans to pay back – they’re not going to survive.
“I’m an accountant and I have clients where this type of initiative was implemented in Waterford, Thurles, Kilkenny and their turnover has fallen by a third.
“This initiative is going to result not only in the closure and further dereliction of buildings but also its going to result in job losses.”
Members of the Main Street Business Initiative have voted to lodge complaints to the EU, the Government and the Planning Regulator.
Bobby Fitzgerald says two charity shops on the Main Street fear they will have to close if the council goes ahead with regeneration plans for the town centre.
He says it will impact on Carrick on Suir River Rescue and St Vincent de Paul fundraising efforts.