An audio-visual performance on the mysterious death of Theobald Wolfe Tone will take place in Nenagh this week.
Historical entertainer, Paddy Cullivan, will tell the story of the Irish Republican through images and song to the Nenagh Arts Centre this Friday.
Paddy’s performance, entitled “The Murder of Theobald Wolfe Tone”, will centre around the secrets and inconsistencies from the Provost’s Prison during the week of Wolfe Tone’s death in November 1798.
As well as images and song, The Murder of Theobald Wolfe Tone will include research from that time period.
“The way the government conducted the war was horrendous and, yet, all the stories seem to be obsessed with is Scullabogue in Wexford Bridge, which are two massacres of about 250 people. But I put a pie chart in the show, and I show exactly the number, the percentage, done by the rebels. It was 1%. 99% of all massacres at that time were done by the government and the Red Cults in Ireland. Many of them were Catholic, by the way, against Protestants.