Four members of Tipperary County Council will address the Seanad today to highlight their concerns about the lack of control maintained by local councils.
Councillor’s Seamie Morris, Ger Darcy, Andy Moloney and Mairín McGrath will be among those contributing to the public hearings on the Future of Local Democracy
Nenagh based Councillor Morris feels the abolition of the Town Councils was a major blow to Tipperary.
The lack of public engagement with local government is a major concern for him.
“I know that major political parties are having fierce trouble trying to get candidates for local elections. In some cases they’re literally having to beg people to run. So really there is a problem out there with local democracy and of course it all steps back to the time in 2014 when Big Phil (Hogan) and Big Alan (Kelly) decided to close Town Councils. Since then there’s been a drip feed of power going from Councillors to CEO’s.”