The Cathaoirleach of Nenagh Municipal District says urgent action is required on the housing crisis, claiming that Celtic Tiger prices are being surpassed.
Séamie Morris has asked Tipperary County Council to seek permission from housing bodies to deliver cost rental homes after €35 million was allocated for such housing by the Government in the last Budget.
Rent paid for such homes would only cover the cost of delivering, managing, and maintaining the homes.
Séamie Morris says housing around Nenagh is getting unaffordable for more and more people.
“We’re back to Celtic tiger prices – in fact we’ve gone past them at this stage.”
“I’ve never heard of a four bedroom house in an ordinary estate in Nenagh making €290,000. And also you’d rarely hear of people raising the bids by €15,000 a go.”
“Look it’s a dream for people selling houses but it’s an absolute nightmare for people trying to get on the property market.”