The Dáil has been told that the Government will support funding the Dean Maxwell unit in Roscrea.
The issue was raised with Public Expenditure Minister Michael McGrath by Labour leader and local TD Alan Kelly.
There’s been a broad welcome to the decision that long stay beds will remain in the Dean Maxwell after January 1st next, and residents will continue to be admitted next year.
Minister McGrath told the Dáil that he was supportive of funding future development of the Roscrea unit.
“I think what is really needed when it comes to the Dean Maxwell is an agreed plan. If there’s an agreed plan, then I don’t believe that funding will be the impediment.
“We recognise as a Government the ageing population, the pressures that will place on long stay facilities in both the public and private sectors. And I recognise the potential role that the Dean Maxwell can play into the future in meeting those needs.
“But what we need is an agreed plan which the HSE is willing to support, and then seek funding for.”
Deputy Alan Kelly assured Minister McGrath that the plan would be provided.
“The people of Roscrea want to see a long stay, fully funded, fully functioning home there similar to the other two major towns in the area – Thurles and Nenagh. That’s what they deserve.
“And there will be a plan. A comprehensive plan supported by all public representatives, supported by the local parish and supported by the local authority and we will bring that plan to you.”