A community nursing unit in Cashel will go ahead.
That’s according to the Minister with Responsibility for Older People following questioning from Deputy Mattie McGrath in Leinster House.
The original proposal to locate the unit on the grounds of St Patrick’s Hospital is apparently not viable due to space constraints.
Speaking during the Order of Business in the Dáil Deputy McGrath highlighted the pressing need for the CNU to proceed.
“There was 350 patients remember there – and staff – and they had plenty room to park. Now the HSE have come up there’s no room for car parking. I want a commitment from your government that the 60 bed unit will go ahead and Cashel won’t lose out again as it did in the 80s under a Fine Gael led government.
“It’s vital that this 60 bed community unit be built – none of the subterfuge and hiding. There’s huge concern and angst in Tipperary about this and it has to be sorted out and commitments honoured here.”
In reply Minister Mary Butler gave assurances that funding was in place for the Community Nursing Unit and while it might not proceed at St Patrick’s it will definitely proceed.
“A site within Cashel town is currently being reviewed and you will know Deputy being a businessman yourself that these transactions are commercially sensitive and they can’t be discussed while they’re under investigation.
“The development is included in the Capital Plan since last year and the development Deputy will go ahead.”