A public meeting over a proposed housing development in Cahir will take place this evening.
Up to 43 houses are under consideration by Tipperary County Council, with access points on Mountain View Drive or Millennium Place.
Local residents have expressed concern at the plans, which they stay will exacerbate existing traffic issues in the areas and could also result in the loss of a popular green area.
Niamh Ni Chillín is Chairperson of the Mountain Road and Mountainview Drives Residents Association, speaking to Tipp FM, she says that the area can’t take more housing.
“Look, we’re not against homes being built – we know homes are badly needed. But we already experience huge traffic problems in this area as well as water supply issues. And we want to preserve our green areas as well for our young people to have somewhere to play.”
“We’re just looking for the Council to think about this a bit more – probably extra traffic infrastructure and water infrastructure is needed before they go ahead with any development in this area. We just want them to think about this a bit more.”
That meeting will take place on the green at Mountain View Drive this evening at 6.30pm.