A substantial pay hike for two senior Civil Servants has come under fire from a Tipperary TD.
Leader of the Rural Independents group Mattie McGrath has blasted the government’s recent decision to grant a €15,000 increase to the head of the Housing Department and €13,000 to the civil servant overseeing the Children’s Department
The Newcastle based Deputy says these hikes are unjustified given the catastrophic housing crisis and soaring living costs.
“No effective measures taken to deliver housing – 12,300 homeless, 3,000 children – and the obscene thought that the Secretary General of the Department of Housing would get an increase of €15,000. Surely there must be some kind of tracking as to people to get bonuses or extra raises that they deliver. Every housing target that has been promised by this department and several Ministers has been unattained and failed miserably.”
Deputy McGrath feels some Civil Servants have too much power yet don’t seem to have to answer to anyone for their performance.
“This increase is on top of a €200,000 plus wage.
“Ministers come and go but these Secretary Generals who are responsible for the chaos – they’re as responsible as the Ministers and they’re permanently there with pensionable jobs. That kind of ‘hands on the handlebars of power’ paid above their station without any marking of achievement or productive measures. It’s just sickening and it shows how our state has failed in so many ways.”