Green Party Climate Policies are ripping the heart and soul out of Rural Ireland.
That’s according to the Rural Independent Group of TD’s led by Tipperary Deputy Mattie McGrath who claim the Green’s climate change policies are ‘reckless’ and are destroying jobs and damaging the environment.
He says it’s absurd that Bord na Mona’s Edenderry plant is importing around 40,000 tonnes of wood chips from Brazil, because the government has legally banned the cutting of peat or turf, which was the original source of fuel for the plant.
“It’s gone from bad to worse with the likes of the lúdramán Eamon Ryan, Pippa Hackett – they have those policies and they’re clinging on to them for dear life.
“But the sad part is that Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and some so-called Independents are backing them all the way. They’re ripping the heart out of rural Ireland.”