There are calls for greater protection for Tipperary third level students seeking accommodation ahead of the new college year.
Deputy Mattie McGrath says many students and their parents are facing demands for significant deposits and rents upfront from some landlords.
This he says is despite there being no clarity from colleges on whether or not students will be required to attend physical classes this September.
Deputy McGrath says many of them already suffered when the last school year ended prematurely due to Covid-19.
“They had paid rents in advance and paid up front and when they had to vacate they got no refunds whatsoever. We cannot allow a situation like that to happen again.”
“Now there are many good landlords that did repay but an awful lot of them got refused point blank. The uncertainty is bad enough that they have now about will they even have a college to go back but being put under pressure to pay a huge deposit or large rent upfront or you mightn’t have a place – that’s just totally blackguarding.”