A large part of the Slieveardagh area of Tipperary is suffering major problems with its water supply.
The Coalbrook supply in particular has been singled out for mention by Irish Water as being among 12 areas across the country at risk of drought.
While the current heatwave looks to be coming to an end local Councillor Imelda Goldsboro says the problem with the water supply was there long before the dry spell.
“Tankers are being drafted in on a daily basis into the Coalbrook supply – this is the third week.
“They’re taking water from different sources – there’s five or six tankers filling up on a daily basis which effects those areas in higher ground. Unfortunately some of them are still out of supply – Mellison, Glengoole South, parts of Ballysloe, Clonamicklon – there’s not enough pressure in the reservoir to drive the supply up to those.”