The HSE is to purchase Mount Carmel Nursing Home in Roscrea to ensure long stay care for the elderly is maintained in the town.
The long running saga in relation to the future of the Dean Maxwell Home has been a major issue in the area for a number of years.
Minister for Older People Mary Butler has been in touch with Deputy Michael Lowry today on the progress which has been made on the issue.
The North Tipp Independent TD says it’s a huge step forward that the HSE has for the first time acknowledged that long stay beds should be part of the solution in Roscrea.
“The HSE have agreed to purchase the Mount Carmel which is an extensive community care campus. It’s also agreed as part of these proposal that plans will be brought forward to remodel and refurbish the existing Dean Maxwell Home and the likelihood is that that would continue to be used as a short stay care centre and also a day care centre.”
Deputy Lowry also outlined some of the other proposals from the HSE.
“A new purpose built dementia unit will be provided for Roscrea. As part of that Cre House – which is a site owned by the HSE – will be brought into the equation.
“So overall I’m very happy with progress that’s been made and while much has been achieved there’s still a considerable amount of work to be done and I’m committed to ensuring that this overall proposal for elderly care in Roscrea will be brought to a successful conclusion.”